What would school be without the billion +1 fundraisers? It just wouldn't be the same, would it? The kids brought home their first big, main fundraiser for the year and each of them had very different reactions to having to sell the products on the glossy catalogue.
If I were to describe my son, I would say he lacked some social niceties. He isn't rude, he just doesn't feel obligated to greet people, play with other kids on the playground and is quite happy playing on his own and his favorite games are on the computer. So how could I have suspected that he would make a master sales guy? There is a however a certain naivety about his view of the world. He doesn't apply any filters and that works in his favor.
When he got his packet of brochures from his school, he assumed he could walk up to anyone that he knew, and that person would order something. So his question was not "will you buy something from me" it was which one of these would you like to buy? I have cookies, candles, pens ... He would pause as he flipped to his favorite page in the back where he leafed through all the different wrapping paper options. Then he would look earnestly at the person he was talking to, just like you would when you have your pen poised to start taking down an order, and wait to find out what they were buying.
How can you say no, to an earnest pitch like that? The assumption is they wouldn't have given him something to sell that people wouldn't obviously want to buy and personally believed in all the products on the catalogue. The funny thing was, he didn't even buy into the whole incentive scheme they had set up for them at school, he was merely connecting you to the product you always wanted to have.
Here is another noteworthy element of this great sales guy. There were rejections, plenty of them. In fact some people were outright rude and didn't even listen to his whole pitch. What was his reaction? Water off a ducks back. Picked up his brochures and went running off to the next person.
After I saw him at work, I thought to myself ... I want what that little boy has.
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