Who knew that this was going to be such a crazy week? Apparently not me! I had 2 days swept right from under me and found myself wishing I had a clone.
You see this is what Tuesday would have looked like if I had some great clones: Fez 1 would have gone to the dreaded infusion and sat with an IV for 6 hours at the doctor's office; Fez 2 would work and Fez 3 would pick up the kids at the bus stop and show them a jolly old time after a hard day at school. Instead since cloning is still a little hard to come by, I ended up at the doctor's all day, sent the kids to the after school program and even had to ask saint Brenda to pick them up. No work! This is despite having seen this as a great opportunity to work, only to find out there is zero phone reception and no wireless network at the doctor's office. I am reminded of the Yiddish proverb "We plan, God laughs".
Okay, then what about Wednesday? Even though I will actually be doing something I enjoy, bible study, with drive time and a spinning class following, I pretty much get home 15 minutes before the bus drops the kids off. No work. So now we move to Thursday and Friday. Why, between center time in one kids class (and then lunch with them after) and reading mom in another class (and then lunch with them after), I will be hard pressed to find 2 uninterrupted hours to do some solid work.
But fear not my dear readers, all is not lost, I have a plan. After all I am a coach! I have established new working hours. Fantastic! This has been made a little easier with my dear husband being out of town, the kids go to bed at 7:30, no questions asked. It's getting dark enough outside, they are easy to fool. Then after clean-up, meditation, book bags, yada yada yada the office is open for business between 9 pm and midnight. Fantastic office hours. An uninterrupted, solid 3 hours.
Question: after anxiously waiting to find a solid three hours to do some work, which did I choose to do? Catch up on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc or did I focus on number one goal this week of moving my webhost and launching a new website? I will let the results speak for themselves ...